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Got my book yesterday after I’ve read few words about it here:, and thought to spent few minutes to browse inside it. After 5 hours I’ve found my self still immersively reading it.

This book is a must if you need to measure innovation with relevant innovation KPIs and understanding why financial KPIs are not enough and could kill innovation, bring frustration to all layers in the organization and fake the transformation.

One of the key reasons that 94% of executives are frustrated with their innovation performance is that they are measuring the wrong things, and what we measure is ultimately what gets done. This book helps managers measure the things that give organizations the best chance of creating an environment where new ideas can emerge and thrive.

The success of building right the right product and in the same time doing it fast, relies on (amongst others) the ability to learn fast, experiment and adapt. So, metrics are required to measure Innovation capabilities. Innovation Accounting has the merit to dig deeper into it covering many organizational dimensions: tactics, management, strategy, startup partnerships, HR, culture and also has a special chapter for executives, CFOs, shareholders and of course investors.

In my opinion, Dan Toma & Esther Gons book Innovation Accounting is a must read for any passionate employee and any modern manager irrespective of the business unit. It will give essence and meaningful insights, tools and incentives to observe, monitor, understand and mostly support teams, projects and organizational change.

Innovation Accounting: A Practical Guide For Measuring Your Innovation Ecosystem’s PerformanceBook review: Innovation Accounting (Dan Toma & Esther Gons)

With fresh graphics and excellent qualified reviews from reputable innovation practitioners, the book Innovation Accounting by Dan Toma & Esther Gons should be perceived as continuation of Eric Riess Lean Start Up and Steve Blank’s The startup owners manual.